Believe it or not this large stone man made temple called the Temple of Tolerance lies hidden in the backyard or should I say several backyards of this house -- 203 Wood Street in Wapakonetta.
I first found the Temple on Roadside America when I was researching interesting places in Ohio. What I didn't realize was that I passed it every time I visited historical downtown Wapak.
On my last visit I finally took a good look at this house as I passed it by and said to myself "OH My God that's the Temple of Tolerance I read about on the Net." Of course I had to stop and take a few pictures.
The main structure is massive and impressive. I have no idea how he managed to create it. The Temple of Tolerance complex artist/creator is Jim Bowsher. The temple was built in the late 1990's to present.
There are numerous other smaller monuments and temples that make up the complex and plenty of bricker brack. This Sun was my favorite capture of the day.
I'll use this definition of Tolerance posted on the artists backdoor to go with the rest of these pictures.
TOLERANCE - The person who has a tremendous reserve of patience and tolerance has a certain degree of tranquility and calmness in his or her life.
Such a person is not only happy and more emotionally grounded, but also seems to be physically healthier and to experience less illness.
The person possess a strong will, has a good appetite and can sleep with a clear conscience.
The Dalai Lama
I just scratched the surface when it comes to fully exploring and finding all the hidden treasures of this wonderful place. I am looking forward to coming back with my tripod in tow to take some longer exposures.
Check out this You Tube Video to meet the artist and to get some insight as to what this is all about.

Photographs are very good. The u-tube documentation was more informative to an overall view of the place. Wonder if there is a entrance fee?
Thanks Louise,
I am planning on making another trip and posting more pictures. I ran out of time and light on this outing.
After looking at the photos and video this is a place that I would like to take my family. I would think it would take at least a day or two to take all the photos that you wanted.
Thanks Amber,
You could easily spend a day exploring and taking advantage of the changing light.
Also there is no FEE. It basically is like an open park in someones backyard.
If you ever make it, feel free to share some of your pictures here.
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